forest for the trees

Satellite Control... Come in, Satellite Control! Do you copy?
It's been a very long time since I've updated this. Since my last post I've had several peaks and recessions in my artistic endeavors. I want to say that much like our current economy, I'm showing signs of recovery!
However, right now I'm still all in boxes from moving into my new house (which is kind of sketch) so for now you're just going to have to cope with this picture I took from my cell phone camera of the sky through the trees in the Puget Gulch Trail. I took a long walk/hike from my house to the trail and then back, but while I was there I stopped to lay on one of the benches down in the Gulch and watched the leaves fall from the canopy. It's about time it quit raining six days a week here. The seventy degree weather we have now seems positively tropical in comparison!
Anyway, I've quit Facebook a couple months ago, and this year I've been dabbling in sewing and printmaking, so with a little luck, this will once again be a home for content! Maybe one day I'll even be a real artist!
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