Remind me never to use the scanner in the History department ever again. I have to use HP Director and it doesn't like to pick up my pencils at all. Then I have to go in and mess with curves and levels in Photoshop which almost universally reduces my doodles to horrible monstrosities. Anywho I draw the guy with the long hair and the large mouth a lot. Over winter break I forgot how to draw him the right way and I'm still trying to remember how. I didn't realize I'd sketched in some chains between his arms until I just bumped the contrast. I guess he's wearing manacles. All the cool kids are doing it.
The girl on the bottom is the real reason I scanned this page. She reminds me of Envy Adams from Scott Pilgrim or something. I like the look on her face.

Speaking of monstrosities. I don't feel like talking about the guy with the tongue, but I also love the expression on the gentleman on the bottom. For whatever reason, I find surprised faces the most fulfilling to draw. I impulsively named this guy Wallace, for
obvious reasons, of course. ;-)
Expect a few more in the next week or so.
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