Tuesday, October 17, 2006

the seaweed is always greener...

Hey look! It's something I've actually done this school year! Here's a few heads I drew a week or two ago, messing around with a new sort of head construction. It reminds me of some bandes dessines I've seen, maybe Spoon & White or maybe even more of a Lupin III influence, actually. Still stuck in my 3/4 left view...

I like how the curve of his nose follows the curve of his eye.

Friday, October 13, 2006

the sky opened wide

I realized that the last three posts all were pretty much the same. These heads aren't much different, but at least they're facing to the right. I was a bit alarmed that a crazy majority of my doodles are facing right. I mean, I can draw faces pointing the other way, but when I'm just doodling around, they all want to look left. Huh. I doodled these last spring. I'm actually pleased with all four of them for the most part. Usually for every one I like, there are like four right next to it that I hate. One of them even has hands? Are my hands okay? The bottom left has dot nostrils again, but the other three all have the same nose! I like drawing mouths like gashes in the face; it's fun!

Happy Friday the 13th!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Remember what I was saying about how I get lazy and don't draw appendages? This is one of the most recent pieces I've done in Illustrator. I would have done some more the other day, but I still haven't found my Wacom pen. It does this to me all the time. Disappearing when I actually feel like drawing. Anyway, I was so lazy that I didn't even give this guy hands! He just has stumps. He was born like that. If I'd bothered to put in hands, you can bet they'd be in that Clone High, palms-up, emotional pose, even if the face wouldn't really agree. Maybe that's why I left them as stumps. I was experimenting here with a seperate jaw shape to the head, because I usually just use ovaloids.

Someone buy me a new tablet pen.

swinging on a star

Look! A real nose! I drew this sometime in January 2005, when I was feeling particularly sketchy. The character in the top left is based on the Mad Hatter from Batman, but I was trying to do some Mignola-ish stark shadows. The other guy has intense eyes! Sometime in the last year or two I decided I really liked drawing large eyes with very small irises--they look so intense! Although I like this drawing, I need to work on my perspective. Both faces are sort of faux 3/4. I think it's the ears.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


So after seeing every other amazing artist start a blog, I figure'd I'd establish an art blog too! Except now I can't find my tablet pen! I've looked everywhere!*
Oh wells. This is a sketch from last year, right at the beginning of my nose period. For a long time I hated drawing noses, maybe because I don't like my own nose, but I've started to realize all the possibilities that lie in the rhino! This guy here is something of a recurring character of mine, but he has no name. His nose here is just too little nostrils, but he usually has more of a long, pointy elfish-snob nose. I tend to do a lot of sketches that are just busts, or where I don't bother drawing in the arms, etc. I guess I'm just lazy.

*in my room.