Friday, December 22, 2006

Above is a doodle I made sometime in the spring, that I'm still pretty pleased with. Having finished Christmas shopping a little bit early this year, I've been coloring a lot of old pieces for kicks. One of my favorite parts about working with Photoshop is being able to change the hue of individual layers so you can experiment with different color schemes. Below are two color tests for my doodle-girl. I can't decide which one I like more.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

the one month of the year I don't find myself singing Christmas carols

I've been Christmas shopping all day, and my eyes are having a hard time focusing. I think I prefer fireworks to Christmas lights. Above are some sketches I did maybe in October of this year? I like how bratty the lower pair look; the one on the left reminds me of Moochie from all those old '60s Disney movies. Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Yay! Finals are done! I'm back home in California, and besides working my dead-end job at the hardware store, I finally have some time to draw and color again! Here's a few very quickly colored versions of some doodles I did much earlier in the year. Coloring my own work is so much fun, even if I put so little thought into my color theory. I always find myself doing things John K. is always ranting about in his blog. Things like using too many popping purples and pinks, or a tendency to use poo colors. I couldn't decide what color background to put in, but I'm going to bed now. The picture below isn't supposed to be blue, but I colored him in CMYK and didn't realize it would show up weird on the internet. So goes experimentation.