Okay, so I admit that it's been much much longer than I said it would be. But here's a small collection of some Hellboy (are doodles considered fan art?) sketches. Is a Hellboy portrait that looks like I might have been looking at a Hellboy comic while I did it. I'm not sure if I did, because I was probably up at school when it happened, and I don't have any Hellboy comics up here, for whatever ridiculous reason. I know I was at school, because of the lower portrait of Alberto from the Motorcycle Diaries, which I most likely just finished watching when I broke out the sketchbook. I'm a huge Mignola fan, and I admire him most for his use of shadows. I think I've read interviews where he talks about how he really can't draw that well, but he uses shadows and big stark patches of them to such effect that I'm prone to say it doesn't even matter. Though I love the stories, I usually only read the actual Mignola ones, because his style is just so captivating.

This picture here just has Hellboy's hand of doom in the middle. Then there's one of my earliest attempts at drawing the back of someon'es head, and then a skull with what appears to be a hat, and then more practice with guns and hands holding them.

Above is mostly a collection of black rabbits, along with a Hellboy drawn with no reference. (How'd he get into a t-shirt?) I have no idea who's extension that is at the top. There's also a frog in a bellhop uniform. I used to draw that frog a lot, but I haven't lately. Did Hellboy ever have the sign of the Holy Spirit over his head in the comics? Sorry folks, it's been a while with some of these.
Also, I really hope they make The Amazing Screw-On Head into a series.
Nuff said!
Til we meet again!