Friday, July 09, 2010
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010

Today I made pizza at my friend Benny's house, and I was surprised to see that a little man I drew a week ago was still alive and kicking on his blackboard table (his table is painted with blackboard paint, so you can write on it with chalk)!
This guy is kind of pulling from a number of things, particularly my relatively newfound interest in making plush dolls. I'm trying to figure out how to get my ideas into a sew-able form. Other inspirations include Zelda Windwaker and I wanna say the Double Fine artists... or something... stolen noses and whatnot...
Still don't have my newer computer set up yet, just using my old wheezy laptop and the camera on my cellular phone, but you deserve some token reward for your visit!
Thank you for wondering about my happenings, fair visitor!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
forest for the trees

Satellite Control... Come in, Satellite Control! Do you copy?
It's been a very long time since I've updated this. Since my last post I've had several peaks and recessions in my artistic endeavors. I want to say that much like our current economy, I'm showing signs of recovery!
However, right now I'm still all in boxes from moving into my new house (which is kind of sketch) so for now you're just going to have to cope with this picture I took from my cell phone camera of the sky through the trees in the Puget Gulch Trail. I took a long walk/hike from my house to the trail and then back, but while I was there I stopped to lay on one of the benches down in the Gulch and watched the leaves fall from the canopy. It's about time it quit raining six days a week here. The seventy degree weather we have now seems positively tropical in comparison!
Anyway, I've quit Facebook a couple months ago, and this year I've been dabbling in sewing and printmaking, so with a little luck, this will once again be a home for content! Maybe one day I'll even be a real artist!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Been a Long Time
Hey kids,
It's been a while, and just in case you still look here every once in a while, I'd like to reward you with some mild, insignificant works of mine own hand.
I found a pen in my room, that I think is actually Allison's, that is really great for inking. So I went over some of my cooler sketches, and I love to share! Also my scanner works now. Hurray!

It's been a while, and just in case you still look here every once in a while, I'd like to reward you with some mild, insignificant works of mine own hand.
I found a pen in my room, that I think is actually Allison's, that is really great for inking. So I went over some of my cooler sketches, and I love to share! Also my scanner works now. Hurray!

Friday, November 30, 2007

It's been a while, but I had a moment to scan a picture or two today. Here's Spin and Marty (not really their names) looking a bit more solid than usual. I tried using actual construction instead of jumping straight to the fun stuff. Good practice maybe?
I have a job now which is good because I have an income, and I have a house too, with cool roommates, and noisy cats, buuuuut less time to draw, and less time to scan
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tootsie Frootsie

Admittedly, it has been forever since I last posted, but at least this time I'm posting something new. I finally got around to picking up some new sundries at the CSUEB bookstore, including my very first brush pen, and perhaps the smallest set of Prismacolor pencils. I really like the lines I can get with the brush pen I got, but I don't like how it tends to smudge, even after having dried for a few hours. I'm curious about blending with markers though, because I know everybody worth their salt does it, but I'm also the sort of guy who doesn't really like their food to touch... Anyway, I already wish I'd sprung for the 24 pack of colored pencils, because coloring is really the best part, and almost feels like a reward for having put down ink lines in the first place. I can dig it.